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It’s times between the days and nights
when mysteries are born.
In fantasies there are big fights
beasts against unicorn.

One cannot help but fantasize
and see the strangest things,
like dragons lying in disguise
or polishing their wings.

In former times the fairy tales
told of a twilight zone.
Today fantasy stories’ sales
achieve high rates alone.


Aus meinem Buch:

Inspired by pictures I wrote poems about life in general, nature and man. Some poems are humorous, others serious, because we humans are not always so smart to consider the effects of our lives. Most of the pictures are watercolours by an as yet not much known painter.

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
mit Bildern von: Norbert Rath und Christa Layr
Taschenbuch: 68 Seiten
ISBN-13: 978-1974541461
Erschienen: 14. August 2017

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