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Wool over your eyes

A black sheep stands out so to say
in herds of fine white sheep.
And as we find no colour grey
its shortcomings are deep.

The colour does not play a role
when pulled over your eyes.
Whoever first your eyesight stole
bombards you then with lies.

Appearances deceive, we know.
Apparently just standing out
hides the qualities below
which show what we are all about.


Aus meinem Buch:

In times when people find it difficult to make up their minds because so many different possibilities present themselves, I find it helpful to formulate some of these ideas. And the shortest and most effective way to do so is to put the thoughts in rhymes. The trigger for which is always a picture. And the conclusion often comes as a surprise.

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
Taschenbuch: 71 Seiten
ISBN-13: 979-8418620019
Erschienen: 17. Februar 2022

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