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Three dimensions

To decorate a room remember
that three dimensions wait for you.
This works not only for December
but should be showing something new.

The paintings on the wall are fine
to highlight colour for the theme.
Your taste determines the thin line
between just trash or high esteem.

The same applies to what you hang
from the ceiling down below.
Beware the height before you bang
your head, or else a horn might grow.


Aus meinem Buch:

On an invited journey to Mexico I couldn’t help to take lots of photos. A small selection of them inspired me to rhyme. When you know my other books you know to expect partly funny or serious poems depicting contemporary problems. Unfortunately without solving them.

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
Taschenbuch: 69 Seiten
ISBN-13: 979-8396913554
Erschienen: 02. Juni 2023

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