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Spray eruptions

When rolling waves meet a resistance
which breaks their steady up and down
they lose their regular insistence
but win a wonderful white crown.

The compact water is exploding
in a million drops of spray
which are carried and eroding
metal things around the bay.

And the foam seems to crawl back
but only to erupt anew
and like avalanches stack
water drops which the wind blew.


Aus meinem Buch:

Poems, one picture – one poem – one page. About the sea and man and general problems and nature around us. The subjects are contemporary and everlasting, some. You can enjoy and grin or think about their contents.

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
Taschenbuch: 68 Seiten
ISBN-13: 978-1546811381
Erschienen: 20. Mai 2017

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