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Online – offline

With equilibrium you walk
along a tightrope safe and high.
Along a line, if not a dork,
you even hop should you so try.

But to go online is a risk
if your steps are too fast,
because you cannot always whisk
the order that is cast.

The offline modus seems secure,
the world-wide web far, too,
but press one button and the lure
of catching fish gets you.


Aus meinem Buch:

The idea is to express all kinds of internet related things. Our global, digital world includes advantages and disadvantages. I found two terms for any word, starting with “artificial intelligence”, ending in “zoom”. Serious and funny poems and pictures make the reading worthwhile.
[With illustrations from]

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
mit Illustrationen von: Marion Koslowski
Taschenbuch: 64 Seiten
ISBN-13: 978-1074146610
Erschienen: 15. Juni 2019

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