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We’d be nuts to eat too many
of not yet dry nuts.
Their content surely is uncanny
and hardens in your guts.

You have to wait till nuts are dry
before you crack their shell.
Keep your hands off, let them lie
until they suit you well.

This is the way nature controls
our greedy selfish ways.
Before we don’t accept our roles
it is mankind who pays.


Aus meinem Buch:

Inspired by pictures I wrote poems about life in general, nature and man. Some poems are humorous, others serious, because we humans are not always so smart to consider the effects of our lives. Most of the pictures are watercolours by an as yet not much known painter.

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
mit Bildern von: Norbert Rath und Christa Layr
Taschenbuch: 68 Seiten
ISBN-13: 978-1974541461
Erschienen: 14. August 2017

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