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In former times in books for few,
now worldwide knowledge has extended
because what only some once knew
is now with common knowledge blended.

Access to internet provider
opens doors to wisdom such
that research globally wider
offers everybody much.

Horizons stretch without restriction
as curiosity leads on.
But careful: one man’s true conviction
can be for others just a con.


Aus meinem Buch:

The idea is to express all kinds of internet related things. Our global, digital world includes advantages and disadvantages. I found two terms for any word, starting with “artificial intelligence”, ending in “zoom”. Serious and funny poems and pictures make the reading worthwhile.
[With illustrations from]

Autorin: Anne Reimerdes
mit Illustrationen von: Marion Koslowski
Taschenbuch: 64 Seiten
ISBN-13: 978-1074146610
Erschienen: 15. Juni 2019

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